Making money online

my clumsy attempts to make money from the internet

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Online Money

The other week I learned from a friend that a certain lady was making $300 a month from her Internet activities. I must admit I felt a little envious and a tad stupid for not having that kind of success on the Internet. This is a nice proof that one can really make a modest income from online activities.

When I first started Ching's World, I thought that creating the website is the most difficult task of all that needs to be done when one is making a website. I was so wrong. I had forgotten the initial frustration when I first started flirting with the Online World. All in all, Ching's World is a wonderful experience.

Cagayan de Oro City
I learned recently, had a number of powerful websites that seemed rooted in their perches on the first pages of the SERPs. It appeared to me that there must be smart owls running the show where Cagayan de Oro City websites are concerned.

Dumaguete, on the other hand is more gratifying in that a number of websites have decided to link to it. It is therefore to be found in the first four pages of the SERPs. If one cannot see the money from online activities, one might as well feel good that a favorite site is ranking well. Kudos, Dumaguete.

Cebu City is a new website added to a collection of sites worth visiting. I do not expect to see any money from this online endeavor. Cebu City is a dearly beloved city and deserves some loving attention showered on it.

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