Making money online

my clumsy attempts to make money from the internet

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Get paid for signing up

Google does wonders with your appetite for information. Well, the other search engines do give you information too on where to look for anything under the sun but Google is everywhere so it's more convenient. Typing "make money online" gave me a big list of opportunities to browse. Clicking through the first one I find intriguing possibilities. The opportunity to make lots of money screams at you, tugs at your sleeves begging you to please make lots of money. A couple did catch my attention quick: Make money by reading emails and Get paid for signing up. This was worth investigating so I bookmark all that sounded interesting with the thought of going through their pitch at liesure

The process of getting into these schemes is very simple: they ask you for your name and email address and email you a confirmation request which upon responding automatically lists you on their database and your in business! Signing up for a couple of Get money for signing up deals gives you a members area where you can check your account. True enough you have the signing up bonus of $50 or $10 or whatever amoung they are giving away prominently displayed.. They also give you money for recruiting people and that is where the fun starts to lose its flavor for me. They ask you to click some banners and you get a few cents in your account.I tried it for a few days and I discovered I was not getting rich quick; in fact, I may never get rich at all using this scheme so I quickly jettison these schemes from my computer and it's back to square one for me.

Visit these pages:

Friday, May 26, 2006

There are tons available on the Internet

My efforts at gleaning the best strategy using Google search has led me to some twists and turns which brings me to believe that there must be some truth to the saying "there's gold in them thar hills" as they say in cowboy movies. This has been a very educational excursion for me and I am enjoying every second of it. To be frank, not every scheme presented to me was to my liking. There were some who said money was to be made answering surveys and I did some of those but none of them really suited me since I was in the wrong location. If I had been living in the United States I might have qualified for free gas.

Another one which I thought was promising was to "read email" and I did some of those too. You might be tempted to try that for yourself. Experience is the best teacher so go ahead and jump right into that. I recently enrolled in an Affiliate program which might be a good lead for me. It requires a bit of reading but signing up is free and you get started right away. It requires a bit of strategizing but that is part of the fun, at least for me. Click here and here to find out more about it. Along the way they will ask you to sign up. Give it a whirl. You might click and make big bucks

This site is where you can find more of my blogs.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Google, google everywhere

The ubiquitous Google search facility on my Mozilla Firefox is such a cool way to organize your search for material in the Internet. It is like having your very own Library of Congress or encyclopedia or your own team of experts in all aspects of science and technology. I use it to search for everything including pictures and songs. The thing that I could not understand was how they make money with their search engine. I mean, I use their search engine all the time and not once had I been asked for credit card details to use their services. They are giving it away for free which makes it all the more confusing for me. I had read that Google makes money from selling ads which is kind of a traditional way to make money but appied to the Internet. So, Google is serving advertising content which is well and good for it and its clients but what about the simple folk like me? How is money to be made from the Internet? A very interestiing problem indeed and I am determined to use Google to lead me to the answers.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Where do I start?

I am a big fan of the World Wide Web and the Internet especially with the advent of high-speed connections like DSL and cable modems. The old dial-up was good enough for me when I started to surf the net, it was quite expensive too if I can remember right. I just recently subscribed to a DSL package offered by my phone company and I did not really use it much at all. However, I always kept in the back of my mind the idea that maybe I could make money on the Internet. The problem was how to go about doing it?

I had no one to guide me so I was just left to my own devices. I browsed the popular sites like Yahoo, Excite, Lycos. These were the ones offering free email service and I thought what a cool idea: free email. Unsavvy in the ways of the web I could not help wondering why they would offer free email to people? Obviously, they are making some money or they would not be giving away these services free. So I thought, I should be like these websites. I should offer email. This was my brilliant conclusion after seeing how these giants worked. The next problem arose: I know nothing about being an email provider. Tough luck. So, I concluded that not everyone can be a free email provider.

Finding ways to make money on the Internet is not such an easy thing as I discovered. From surfing various websites I could see one common theme: they are all pitching a product of some sort whether it be actual consumer products or some service or software. I do not have a store and I have no products to sell. I do not have services to offer so that avenue is also closed to me. Software? Maybe, if I find some new idea that no one has thought of or done before and if I had the time or the money to do research and coding and testing. This was proving more difficult than I imagined. If one had a car dealership then one might advertise in the web and sell more Honda cars or Toyota cars. If one is service oriented one might be able to sell health insurance or maybe life insurance but I have neither of those.
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