Making money online

my clumsy attempts to make money from the internet

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Show me the money

One who starts to think that money, lots of it, tons of it can be made online will surely spend a lot of money, a ton of money, lots of it anyway, if he has deep pockets. And in the process, many people will make lots of money, tons of it from pocketing the money of those who want to make tons of money online. This is a left-handed compliment to the crafty, canny, brilliantly-gifted marketers who make money online. Anyone who has plunked his hard-earned offline-world dollar for a piece of the pie in the Cyber Sky would have a good chance of recovering his investment by joining the bandwagon and become a super internet marketer himself or herself.

They make it reaslly easy for you to part with your money. The barkers at a carnival have nothing on these masters, gurus and what have you. They blare their message and trumpet their successes with miles and miles of testimonials and earnings screenshots to whet the appetite of the newbies who envy their earning prowess. There is nothing wrong with that. I believe everyone has a right to make a buck and if the Internet is the best way to do it then so be it.

I am not a bitter victim of an internet scam although I must admit that I have fallen prey to a scam or two, scams so blatantly devious, so brutally dishonest that I would hate to describe it if only to preserve my self-denial that I had not been suckered but merely tested the veracity of the sales page. Far from seeing only the crass and the shoddy, I do see brilliance and creative intelligence at work in the Internet Marketing world every day. I never cease to be amazed.

One of the easiest ways to Internet success and money is to go the Affiliate route. Become and affiliate and promote other people's products. This is easy to do and gives you good returns in a very short time. There are tons of great products just waiting to be bought. Put your affliate link and that's about it. There are millions of buyers surfing the net, and selling other people's products is easier than making the products yourself and selling them all by your lonesome. Well, if you are good in creating products, there will always be marketers who will help you sell your product for a good commission. Everybody wins, either way.

One of the best ways to make money is through Google Adsense, according to the Gurus and everybody else who have made money on it or hope to make money on it. I agree, Adsense is great and I gleefully start to get into it with a few sites of my own and I soon discover that the money they tell me I would be having would have to come from Expert Coaching or some other secret, esoteric program which I will have to join. Not wanting to fall prey and not having enough money to test the honesty of these coaches, I am forced to do research on articles which are in the Public Domain. Reading sales pages is a good way to gain an insight into what is going on underneath the hype and the blather. After a while I get a feel for what is dross and what really glitters. There is a lot of gold to be gleaned from sales pages.

Everyone who wants to make money online sooner or later has to come in contact with hats. Black hats and white hats. Black hats are secretive, seductive and promise a thousand times more than white hats who would tend to be prim and proper and above-board. Weakness will always be exploited and Black Hat Gurus are always on the lookout for chinks in the armour of the search engines who also change and metamorphose and adapt to protect themselves from the exploits that would weaken their long-term credibility as servers of relevant pages of the searches of the Netizens who rely on them.

For tons of information, visit Ching's Empire, Ira's Directory.
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