Making money online

my clumsy attempts to make money from the internet

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Every day is school day

More and more I realize that it is not easy to crack open the Internet clam. There are many pitfalls for the unwary. When I started out about a month ago, I thought it would be a cakewalk. My mind was telling me the resources are all out there. All I had to do was pick one or two of the sure-fire formulas and I would be on my way to hog heaven. The more I read the words they used, the more I became cautious. Why would an important, successful Internet Enterpreneur want to help some newbie become rich and successful using his own technique? They spend time and money on email campaigns that dog my tracks everyday with email after email telling me how easy it is for me to become rich and successful. Every one is after something that they want to get from me and I suspect it the motivation might not be the altruistic thrust which they trumpet in their ads. Why would they want me to give them money? Is not the hundreds and thousands of dollars that they make every day not enough for them? Somehow to my mind, this does not compute.

I get variations of the same thing every day on my email. They want to make me successful and they want me to enroll in some super secret underground club where only paying members will be making tons and tons of money. Somehow, I cannot get the logic of the whole deal. Here I am, totally without resources and there they are: ultra sleek and totally successful and they waste their time on me? What is the real score? I have a hard time figuring this out and I guess I will never know if what they are saying is true since I do not have any money to prove the efficacy of their systems.

I do know a few things from my five weeks of trying to get into this online business:
  • I need a website
  • I need visitors to that website
  • Google Adsense is a good way to monetize my website
  • Google Adwords can drive traffic to my website ( here I will have to spend money)
  • Affiliate programs also monetize my website
  • Getting visitors is not so easy
It is almost like a catch-22 type of situation. The good news is that since I dont have any money to spend my education will only be as expensive as the effort that I am willing to put into trying to find out the real score about "Making Money Online". This search for El Dorado is taking on a while new scope for me. If I had any money at all then I would surely join the ranks of those who say they have been duped by many unscrupulous operators in the Internet. This is really like Real Life except you don't meet anyone face to face. I am sure that I will somehow unlock the secrets that are so far being kept from me. Or maybe, the answers are just staring at me in the face and all I should be doing is plunk down my dollar and start blasting away to millions.

Cool blogs basking in the blog park. Visit these pages:

Thursday, June 08, 2006

More money-making schemes

Going through the results of a search for the keyword "making money online" gets you a slew of sites offering you lots and lots of money. They seem to follow a common formula: they make their pitch and they whet your appetite; they give you testimonials and proof of earnings for doing practically nothing; they ask you to sign up for more information on more ways of making money and that is just what I did. I signed up for everything that looked promising.

They freely offer you advice, Internet tips and advertising tricks and secret techniques which are very helpful. Free advice is easy to get on the Internet and I am all for it and take full advantage of it so long as I don't have to pay while I'm making up my mind.

The offshoot of this is that I get bombarded with emails everyday explaining this way and that way to make tons of money without lifting a finger well, they do say you have to work for about 15 minutes more or less. Patient man that I am, I read through all of their emails and I follow the links and read everything that they have to say to me and all their prospective customers. One thing is abundantly clear:
  • They're making lots of money, you want to be like them and cash in on a sure thing.
  • They want you to make money just like they do and they are willing to teach you how.
  • They want you to plunk in your dollars for them to help you make lots of money.
Being a cautious man, I let them go through the whole pitch and I examine each and every one of their schemes. There are some which I think are reasonably presented and I keep them in the back of my mind for more investigation. There are some with very innovative ideas which could work but not without a large investment of time and some enrollment fee on your part. When hunting for the real deal, one has to be very patient so as to separate the chaff from the grain.

Cool Blogs at the Blog Park. Visit these pages:
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